MM21 Innovation Challenge事務局

MM21 Innovation Challenge事務局

MM21 Innovation Challenge


概要 / Overview



MM21 Innovation Challenge supports demonstration experiments in Minato Mirai area, including the Yokohama Landmark Tower and Grand Mall Park. As the Japanese market shrinks, these trials are crucial for developing new markets. For startups, they are essential for assessing the viability and market fit of their technologies.
Minato Mirai offers diverse demonstration environments, R&D centers of global companies, and high-tech manufacturing firms. Our goal is to develop Minato Mirai's startup ecosystem and promote innovation.

対象技術 / Target


みなとみらい21地区で提供可能なソリューション / Solutions for Area

(例 移動手段や商業施設の利用付加価値を向上させるソリューション、音楽等ライブイベントの新しい価値創出や実施効率性向上に寄与するソリューション、防災・BCP等に寄与するソリューション 等)

Startups offering solutions widely applicable to workers, residents, and visitors in the Minato Mirai 21 district.
Examples: Solutions that enhance transportation options or add value to the use of commercial facilities, solutions that create new value or improve operational efficiency for live events such as music performances, solutions that contribute to disaster prevention and business continuity planning (BCP).


建物・施設向けソリューション / Solutions for buildings, facilities

(例 清掃・警備・配送・自動調理等のサービスロボット、AI等を活用したスマートビルソリューション 等)

Startups offering solutions that enhance the value, maintenance, and operational efficiency of offices and commercial facilities.
Examples: Service robots for cleaning, security, delivery, and automated cooking; smart building solutions utilizing AI, etc.

活用できるリソース / Resources


伴走・メンタリング / Mentoring

We will assign one mentor per company. The mentor will assist with the planning of experiments, securing necessary resources, developing demonstration fields, monitoring progress, and providing support in case any issues arise (from October 2024 to January 2025).

実証実験フィールドの提供 / Providing Demonstration Fields

実証実験の計画に基づき、みなとみらいや横浜ランドマークタワーでの実証実験フィールドの開拓および調整を行います。希望する場合、2025年1月24日〜26日に開催予定の実証実験や未来の技術が体験できる祭典「YOXO FESTIVAL 2025」への出展の機会も提供します。
Based on the demonstration experiment plan, we will develop and coordinate demonstration experiment fields in Minato Mirai and Yokohama Landmark Tower. Should you be interested, we also offer the opportunity to exhibit at "YOXO FESTIVAL 2025," a festival where you can experience demonstration experiments and future technologies, scheduled to be held from January 24 to 26, 2025.

「YOXO FESTIVAL」についてお知りになりたい方は、「詳しくはこちら」よりご覧ください。
To learn more about the YOXO FESTIVAL, please click the light blue button below.

ネットワーキング / Networking

In addition to demonstration experiments, we provide connections to local companies and experts as needed. This offers opportunities to gain valuable information and networks, and creates an environment where startups can participate in the local startup ecosystem, learning and growing together.

融資や資金調達のご相談 / Funding Consultation

スタートアップの成長には資金が不可欠です。必要に応じて融資や出資に関するご相談も受け 付けます。ただし、確約はできかねる点をご了承ください。
Funding is essential for the growth of startups. We are available to provide consultations on financing and investment if needed. However, kindly note that we can't guarantee funding.

事務局 / Organizer

We offer resources and support for proof-of-concept experiments. Networking with local businesses and experts boosts growth. Let's create the future!

MM21 Innovation Challenge事務局

私たちについて / About us

MM21 Innovation Challenge事務局

MM21 Innovation MM21 Innovation Challengeは、未来ビジネスを共創する産学公民の連携基盤となる組織の横浜未来機構が主催のもと、⽇本企業の新規事業開発やイノベーション創出を⽀援する事業共創カンパニーの株式会社Relicが実行、そして、みなとみらいをはじめとするまちづくりを担う三菱地所株式会社の協力により進めているプログラムです。

MM21 Innovation Challenge is a program organized by the Yokohama Future Organization, an entity that serves as a collaborative platform for industry, academia, government, and citizens to co-create future businesses. The program is executed by Relic Inc., a business co-creation company that supports new business development and innovation for Japanese companies, and is advanced with the cooperation of Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd., which is responsible for urban development, including the Minato Mirai area.

  • 補足情報 / Additional Information
  • ・応募用紙(Word)をダウンロードのうえ、エントリーフォームにアップロードしてください。





     9月中旬 面談審査の結果通知

     10月2日(水)15:00〜16:00 キックオフ(オフライン、オンライン)

     10月〜1月 伴走・メンタリング、実証実験

     2月 成果報告会

    Please download and upload the application form (Word) via the entry form.

    URL: (Japanese and English application forms available)

    Both document and interview reviews will assess "Innovation," "Feasibility," "Marketability," "Competitive Advantage," and "Team & Organization".

    Interview reviews will be online (for companies passing document review, on September 12th PM JP).

    Upcoming Schedule:

    Mid-September: Interview results

    October 2nd (Wed) 15:00–16:00 JP : Kickoff (offline/online)

    October–January: Support, mentoring, and PoC

    February: Final Review

NG企画とエントリー条件 / NG and Entry Conditions

NG企画 / NG

・ギャンブル、政治、宗教、反社会的内容、公的にふさわしくない内容の企画 ・法律に違反する企画 ・サービスの売り込み Entries for the proof-of-concept program will not be accepted if they include. Projects related to gambling, politics, religion, antisocial content, or inappropriate public content. Projects that violate the law. Promotional sales pitches.

エントリー条件 / Entry Conditions

国内外のアーリーステージ以降のスタートアップを対象とします。 MM21 Innovation Challenge targets startups in the early stages and beyond, both domestically and internationally.



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